MES-системы и эффективное управление производством

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4th International MES-conference "Enabling Technologies"

October 2-3th, Ekaterinburg, Russia

We are glad to announce 4th International Conference «Advanced Techniques of Manufacturing Management». We are hope that this conference will be even more interesting and usable than our last events. First, in this year the conference will take place in same place and same time with exhibition on machine building and metal processing. Also forum on technical modernization of Russian industry will be combined with this exhibition too.

Second, our conference will move Ekaterinburg in this year. Ekaterinburg is one of main centers of the industry in Russian Federation. At last, in this year conference is supported by many large organizations such as Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

«Advanced techniques of Manufacturing Management» is only independent conference that devoted to MES and automation in manufacturing. We also keep all good traditions of our events. For example:

  • «Advanced techniques of Manufacturing management» is conference for practice specialists in fields of manufacturing management and system integration. The main goal of this conference is exchange of information about experience of implementation of MES and other information systems in manufacturing.
  • Total number of participants is between 130 and 150. We have experience that it is the best number of participants for such conferences. 75% of participants are from industrial companies, 15% of participants are solution providers and system integrators and 10% are scientists and representatives from best Russian universities.
  • The size of company doesn’t matter. Everyone can find interesting reports and information on this conference.
  • Different managers from industry companies can take part in conference for free!

«Advanced techniques of Manufacturing management» has 4-year history. During this time it became well known place to announce new projects and to speak about completed projects. It is impossible to find, to implement and to use effectively system of manufacturing automation without continuous information exchange. We are absolutely sure that every manager understands that it is mandatory to listen and analyze opinions of experts and people from real manufacturing to implement effective management information system. Our conference give you this chance. And this is cheaper than invite expert to your plant.

Our speakers can inform you about really good results of MES implementation. To prove our words we have conference programs of last year. Please see on these programs.

Every participant will get unique book. This book is called «MES: theory and practice». It is 4th issue of book of this series. This is special issue fully devoted to articles from «Automation in industry» journal. This is one of leading journal in this field of knowledge in Russian Federation.

Please call to Mr. Igor Reshetnikov +7 916 6711974 to know more about this conference. You also can send E-mail to to him.

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